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Adena Montessori Materials

There are plenty of people who disagree with the Montessori method of teaching. Those who believe in more traditional approaches feel that Montessori children have fewer social skills because they work on their own at an individual pace and therefore may not transition well to a more traditional and less individualistic program. Some also take issue with the lack of imaginative play in many Montessori programs, which can vary from strict to modified. Indeed, Montessori may not be the best environment for a child who is extremely social or who can't sit still and focus independently on a task. The point is that you should consider all kinds of educational options when your child is ready to go to school. Don't just pick the same path that you went down. Despite the similarities that you may have with your child, each of us responds differently to different environments, so it's worth really taking the time to explore all of your options when it's time for your child to expand her educational horizons.
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Maria Montessori developed her program over 100 years ago based on her observation of children. The Montessori method is one of the few teaching methods that has truly withstood the test of time. Montessori discovered that children have a genuine thirst for knowledge. When we follow the child and treat each child as an individual, the child becomes absorbed and motivated to learn. A cornerstone of the Montessori classroom is much like a family where older and younger children learn from each other. Knowledge, patience, understanding and community are only a few of the valuable lessons children learn in Montessori. The materials in the Montessori classroom are very much hands on. Everything abstract becomes concrete. Montessori work appeals to all the senses to make learning more alive for the child! This approach aids children with all types of learning styles. In addition, each child in the Montessori classroom is allowed to grow at their own pace. In this way, each individual child can develop their own interests within the classroom, and discover their own love of learning. This approach accommodates both the child who grasps concepts quickly and the child who learns better through repetition. Montessori offers a rich curriculum including language, geography, art, math, science and music, but Montessori is about much more than academics. Grace, courtesy, and kindness are a big part of the Montessori classroom. The children learn a healthy respect for themselves, others, and the world around them. Montessori children learn to work independently and in groups. They are encouraged to make decisions from an early age. These children are problem solvers who can make choices and manage their time well. Montessori children are encouraged to exchange ideals and discuss their work freely with others. Good communication is a fundamental skill to a successful future. Research has shown that the best predictor of future success is a sense of self esteem. Montessori programs, based on self-directed, non-competitive activities, help children develop good self-images and the confidence to face challenges and change with optimism